We don't pay too much attention to the storage of cloth bags when storing and organizing. But the leather bag is different, his requirements will be more. It is recommended that you do two things. The first is that you should put stuffing in the leather bag.
The stuffing we usually see is usually this kind of Copy paper. Usually when you buy a bag, it will come with such a filler. It is recommended not to throw it away.
If you don't have Copy paper like this, you can actually stuff it with old clothes at home. For example, for soft and non-fading clothes, it is recommended that you choose lighter-colored plain clothes to prevent the clothes from fading due to moisture.
Some people also put the air protection foam commonly used in our express delivery into the bag for filling. In fact, this method is not impossible, but because it is more prone to air leakage.
The air protection foam is still relatively full at the beginning, and it may leak over time. This method is not recommended if you plan to store this bag for a long time.
Some people will use newspaper to fill, this method is not recommended for everyone.
Because the ink on the newspaper is especially easy to get wet, thus soiling the bag. We should pay attention to the four corners of the bag when filling.
Because these places are especially easy to overlook and especially easy to be crushed. Especially this kind of bag with relatively soft leather. After that, we have to put a dust bag on the outside of the bag.
Dust bags are usually included with the purchase of the bag. This dust bag is not only for dust protection, but it can also prevent your delicate leather and metal accessories from being exposed to the sun.
It also reduces friction damage when you place this bag side by side with other bags.
Therefore, fillers and dust bags are the most basic conditions for storing more delicate leather bags.
If the conditions in your home are relatively humid, such as if you live in the South, it is recommended that you must put a desiccant in the bag.
The choice of desiccant is better in granular form than in powder form. Of course, in addition to desiccant, there are also special moisture-proof cabinets on the market. There is a dehumidification device in the cabinet. If you think it is necessary, you can also Specially buy such a moisture-proof cabinet to store your more precious bags.
Let's talk about the basic principles of storing leather bags. The first is not to squeeze. You shouldn't squeeze or stack more delicate bags together to save space. If you do this, it will be difficult to restore the original shape of the bag after deformation.
The second is to avoid exposure to the sun, so it is recommended that you store it in a cabinet.
The third is to give this bag a more moisture-proof and moisture-proof environment.
If you have such a chain bag, then it is recommended that you put the chain in the bag, and then store the bag.
But if you are not a chain bag like this, but a belt bag, it is actually not recommended that you put this belt in the bag.
Why do you do this, because first of all, your bag has a relatively full filling. At this time, if you store the belt in this way, the bag will easily be pulled when you cover the lid, and the second is you This belt is easily deformed when it is rolled up like this for a long time in the bag.

There is also a suggestion that a professional luxury bag care master told me, If the leather of your bag is large and hard, it is recommended that you do not place the bag upright, because its center of gravity will be lower and the bottom will be easily crushed, but you should choose a flat way to store this large and hard bag.
If you cherish your bag more and you want it to last longer, then it is recommended that you put the bags one by one next to each other, do not put too much pressure on it in the left and right directions, and do not stack more bags on it Bag.
What if the place where you just put your bag is a taller cabinet? Then we can use some storage tools.
Remember the versatile L-shaped file box we introduced to you before? Then when storing bags, it can come in handy again. If your cabinet is relatively high, and the bags cannot be stacked one by one, then you can actually put the file box upside down.
In addition to the file box, we shared this well-shaped clothes storage rack when we talked about the wardrobe series before.
This thing is a great tool for packing bags. You can make full use of the space up, down, left and right to store bags without worrying about being squeezed.
In addition to the file box and this tic-tac-toe storage rack, there are also hanging bags on the market that are specially used to store bags, so that you can make good use of this height of space.
The book stand is also a good tool for storing small bags. We can put these small bags into this grid one by one, so that they will not be affected when they are drawn from each other.
Of course, if you don't have such a one-piece book stand, you can adjust the size of each space according to the size of the bag.
There are many people who hang their bags with S-shaped hooks or hangers in this way. I do not recommend this method. First, it does not save more space.
Second, it keeps the bag in a state of tension and stress, and the bag is particularly prone to being deformed by falling.
Some people say that I have a lot of bags. If I put them all in storage bags, how do I know which one is which when I put dozens of bags together? Does it have to be opened one by one to check each time it is used?
Of course, you don't need to open the inspection every time. Here is a good method to recommend to you, that is, you take a photo of each bag.
Then paste the photos on the corresponding positions according to the position of your bag.
In this way, you can not only know exactly which bags are there, but also easily find the corresponding location of the bag.
In this way, no matter how many bags you have or how deep your wardrobe is, you can easily find the bag you want.
If you want a large bag to wrap a small bag, it is recommended that you find two bags with a larger difference in volume. In this case, if you put the two bags together, the inner bag will not be deformed due to extrusion, and the outer bag will not be deformed due to extrusion. stretched and deformed.
There are many people who forget the existence of this bag because of the large bag and the small bag. In order to avoid this situation, it is recommended to expose the bag inside the bag, so that you can know that there is another bag inside.
Bags are not foldable like clothes. If you cherish it, I advise you to find a space to store it well, so that its life will be longer.
If you have other better methods, or have any other questions, please leave me a message on Weibo. That's all for today, thank you!